Source code for modlit.model

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Created by pat on 4/5/18
.. currentmodule:: modlit.model
.. moduleauthor:: Pat Daburu <>

This module contains general members to help you work with the model.
import inspect
from typing import Dict, List
from .meta import Column, COLUMN_META_ATTR, TableMeta, TABLE_META_ATTR
from .modules import walk_load

IS_MODEL_CLASS = '__model_cls__'  #: signifies a model class

[docs]def model(label: str): """ Use this decorator to provide meta-data for your model class. :param label: the friendly label for the class """ def modelify(cls): """ This inner function updates the model class. :param cls: the decorated class :return: the original class """ # In all cases, flag the class as a 'model' class. setattr(cls, IS_MODEL_CLASS, True) # If the label parameter hasn't already been specified... if not hasattr(cls, TABLE_META_ATTR): # ...update it now. setattr(cls, TABLE_META_ATTR, TableMeta(label=label)) # Let's go through every class in the hierarchy... for mro in inspect.getmro(cls): for name, obj in inspect.getmembers(mro): # If this attribute: # 1) has the same name as an attribute of the current class; # 2) is a Column; and # 3) has a 'meta' attribute... if (hasattr(cls, name) and isinstance(obj, Column) and hasattr(obj, COLUMN_META_ATTR)): # ...we need to take a closer look at it. column: Column = getattr(cls, name) # If this class' own attribute is missing the 'meta' # information... if not hasattr(column, COLUMN_META_ATTR): # ...copy it from the parent class. setattr(column, COLUMN_META_ATTR, getattr(obj, COLUMN_META_ATTR)) # Return the original class. return cls # Return the inner function. return modelify
[docs]def load(package, skip_modules: List[str] = None): """ Load the data model. :param package: the package that contains the model classes :param skip_modules: a list of names of the modules that should be skipped when importing the package """ walk_load(package, skip_modules=skip_modules)
[docs]class ModelMap(object): """ A model map describes a set off alternate names that may be used to refer to a modeled object. """ def __init__(self, base_cls: type, alt_tablename: str, alt_columns: Dict[str, str]): """ :param base_cls: the ORM model class :param alt_tablename: the alternate table name :param alt_columns: a dictionary of alternate column names """ self._base_cls: type = base_cls self._alt_tablename: str = alt_tablename self._alt_columns: Dict[str, str] = ( alt_columns if alt_columns is not None else {} )